Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Berries

Opportunities abound! You may elect to include:

    • Fruit trees: evergreen (e.g., citrus, avocado), or deciduous (e.g., peach, apple).
    • Shrubs such as a Butterfly Bush.
    • Vines – either floral such as ornamental Passion Vine, or fruiting such as concord grape.
    • Berries such as blackberries, blueberries or strawberries.

If you decide on deciduous fruit trees check the chill hours required for them to achieve dormancy.

To prepare:

    • Determine the amount of space needed for the plant(s) when they mature.
    • Buy bare root plants in January (for deciduous plants) or potted plants at almost any time of year.
    • Some fruiting trees, such as avocado, are easily started from seeds. However, seedlings may not be productive unless grafted. Trees that are grafted bear fruit in four years and seedlings require up to nine years.
    • Pick varieties whose cultural needs match your climate zone, such as the number of winter chill hours required.
    • Avoid varieties of cane berries (blackberries, raspberries, etc.) and citrus that have thorns.

From the Master Gardener website select ‘Other Resources’ and then ‘Growing Guides’ to find information for growing citrus, avocados and more.