Take Advantage of Available Resources
You can use already prepared garden related lessons that are aligned to NGSS Performance Expectations and Common Core Standards. Other resources include:
- Master Gardeners’ handouts available from your Master Gardener Consultant.
- The Growing Classroom Garden Based Science and Nutrition Activity Guide Fourth Edition from Life Lab.
- Sowing the Seeds of Wonder from Life Lab.

- Harvest of the Month nutrition lessons.
- AIMS lessons.
- Project Learning Garden Curriculum from Captain Planet Foundation.
- Other books providing garden based lessons. See our list of books in the Gardening Books section of our website.
- Lessons organized by grade level in the Curriculum section of our website.
- Internet searches. Search for a desired topic (e.g., lessons on plant germination, soil lesson) and choose from a number that are appropriate for your grade level. NOTE: Use only reliable/credible sources. NSTA National Science Teachers is an example of a well vetted list.
Be Creative
Adapt your regular classroom lessons to be taught in the garden. Review your lesson plans to find opportunities for using the garden to:
- Provide hands-on learning experiences.
- Add interest and enjoyment.
- Make lessons more relevant.
- Associate lessons with the garden for retention of new concepts.
Create a School Garden Calendar
To avoid conflicts in schedules when your school garden is being well used by more than one class, set up a calendar (online, in the office or teachers’ work room) to sign up for class or small group times.