Budget and Funding Sources
Fundraising is a critical step in setting up a garden program. Try to find dynamic individuals who have an interest in this area. This is an opportunity to foster ownership within the community.
Ask the principal about federal and state entitlement programs for various subject areas that may be available to support the garden. Attend city council, PTA, and community meetings to request money and support. Explore your local community for possible grants such as garden clubs, public school foundations, local nurseries, and stores.
Contact community businesses for donations of money, equipment or materials.
Click here to link to the Reference Section of this guide for some specific funding sources.
A project plan was presented to a local supplier who, in turn, provided his support to this school garden with the donation of the cement garden wall blocks. |
Be professional in your approach; clearly state what materials or help are needed. Take a project folder to leave with each business if the contact person is unavailable.
The project folder should include:
- An endorsement letter from the director, principal or coordinator stating that the garden project is well organized and has their full support.
- One-page project description.
- List of people supporting the project.
- List of specific needs.
- A garden plan.
- Quotes and/or drawings by participants.
Always involve the students in your plans. Encourage students to show their appreciation by writing thank you notes to donors.
Fundraising Projects
Involve your students in any number of fund raising activities to get the garden started such as,
- Sell garden products: seedlings, houseplants, floral arrangements, and wreaths.
- Hold special events: hold fall and spring plant sales, donated garden tools, and used books.
- Design and sell a T-shirt, hat or bag with the school garden logo.