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Arctostaphylos ssp Manzanita
Arctotis Pink Sugar African Daisy Pink with orange center.
Arctotis The Ravers Pumpkin Pie African Daisy Orange
Arctotis The Ravers Sashe African Daisy Pink w/white tips, dark center
Arctotis acaulis Magenta Arctotis Deep purple
Arecaceae Palm
Aristolochia californica California Dutchman's Pipe Cream w/ red-purple veins.
Artemesia absenthium Wormwood Yellow
Arthropodium cirratum New Zealand Rock Lily White
Artichoke Emerald Artichoke Emerald
Artotis acaulis Big Magenta African Daisy Magenta
Asclepia Milkweed Yellow, yellow orange.
Asclepias eriocarpa woollypod or Indian milkweed. White/pink/or cream.
Asclepias fascicularis Narrow Leaf Milkweed White to pinkish.
Asclepias subulata Desert milkweed Cream

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.