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Lavendula multifida Fernleaf Lavender Blue-violet
Lavendula officinalis (L.angustifolia) English Lavender Lavender
Lavendula stoechas Spanish Lavendar Magenta/Purple
Lavendula stoechas Madrid Pink Lavender Deep rose-pink
Leaucanthemum Banana Cream Shasta Daisy Pale yellow
Ledebouria socialis Silver squill green
Ledebouria socialis Scilla Variety Blue, white, pink, purple
Ledebouria socialis Silver quill Purplish green
Leonotis nepetifolia Lion's Tail Oranage
Leonotis leonurus Lion's Tail Typically orange
Leonotis menthifoloa Savannah Sunset Lion's Tail Orange
Lepechina calycina Pitcher Sage White, pink, lavender
Lepechinia hastata Mexican Pitcher Sage
Leptospermum scoparium Ruby Glow Tea Tree Red
Leucadendron Goldstrike Yellow

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