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Dianthus Carnation, Pink, Sweet William Bright Red
Dianthus Caryophyllus Enfant de Nice Carnation, Pink, Sweet William
Diascia Antique Rose Twinspur rose
Dichondra argentea Silver Falls Silver Dichondra (none)
Dieffenbachia Dumb Cane White (on older plants)
Dietes grandiflora Fortnight lily
Dietes iridioides Fortnight Lily white with pale lave
Dietes varigated Fortnight Lily - Varigated white
Dietes vegeta African Iris white
Digitalis Foxglove Various
Digitalis ciliata Hairy Foxglove yellow
Digitalis dubia Dwarf Spanish Foxglove red/purple
Digitalis grandiflora Yellow Foxglove Yellowish marked with brown
Digitalis lantana Wooly foxglove Yellow with purple
Digitalis trojana Helen of Troy Foxglove yellow

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Plants are sorted by Genus-Species unless they are a vegetable. Veggies are sorted by common name.