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Echium fastuosum 'Galvian Blue' Pride of Madiera Purple
Echium russicum Red-purple, July-August
Echium wildpretii Tower of Jewels Rose to rose red, thick column
Edible Burdock Salad Musume (gobo) Edible Burdock Salad Musume (gobo)
Eggplant Apple green Eggplant Apple green
Eggplant Black Beauty Eggplant Black Beauty Lavender
Eggplant Dusky Hybrid Eggplant Dusky Hybrid Lavender
Eggplant Irene Eggplant Irene
Eggplant Ma-Zu Purple Chinese Eggplant Ma-Zu Purple Chinese
Eggplant Prospero Eggplant Prospero
Eggplant Turkish Orange Eggplant Turkish Orange
Eggplant, Bambino esculentum Eggplant, Bambino esculentum lavender
Eggplant, Diamond Eggplant, Diamond
Eggplant, Early Violet of Naples Eggplant, Early Violet of Naples lavender
Eggplant, Ping Tung esculentum Eggplant, Ping Tung esculentum Purple

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